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Team Maverick 

Creative's Weekend Checklist

Creatives are often under a lot of pressure. They have to keep up with the latest trends, stay on top of their work, and find time to do what they love. This can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression. It is important for creatives to take time for mental health so that they can continue producing quality work without getting burned out. So here are a few things to add to your next Weekend Checklist!

1.) Write in a Dream Journal

We get our best creative ideas in our sleep wether its ninjas having a pool party or having an argument with talking sheep. Both great ideas for a song or creative experiment (You’re welcome!) Often times our dreams are rooted in emotion, anxiety, sadness, fear these dreams are just as important to document because it helps unravel some emotions you may need to work through and can apply to your work.

2) Gratitude is Key

Writing down or even thinking about five things you are grateful for each day puts your head in the right mindset. As entertainers and creators we are in an industry that constantly makes us focus on the negative, How do I look? Is the work good enough? Can a record label invest in me?

These feelings are valid but it offers some release everyday in taking a moment to count the things we already have. The more you feel grateful for, the more things come to you, that give you gratitude.

3) Take a Deep Breath

Practicing a few breathing exercises every morning is not only good for singing/rapping technique. It is also crucial for mental health, our brain needs oxygen the more you take in the better results you will see. It also forces you to slow down, in a fast paced industry ground yourself in a way that allows you to focus on what really matters. You can try visualising your best life, perhaps dive into a deep clean, colouring books are still very much a thing (don't knock it till you try it!)

4) Cycle It Out

Doing HIIT intervals helps with your brain function it allows you to give 100% everyday. It’s also an incredible lesson in training your mind to not give up! A sentiment that will spill over into every aspect of your life. The stronger you get over time, the more confidence you build because you slowly start realise you're made of steel and sparkle baby. Yoga is also an amazing tool to unwind and destress, controlling and centring oneself is a technique you can use before performing live. Incorporating 15 minutes of this in a daily routine will assist in calming nerves as well as anxiety.

5) Manifest Your Best Life

Continuing on from the meditation technique of visualisation as mentioned in Number 3. The premise is to choose a dream or goal and visualise it completely.

Imagine that moment and engage with it:

What do you see? (i.e. I see millions of people holding up lights on their iPhones at Wembley Stadium)

What do you hear? (i.e. Crowds of people cheering my name, singing along to my song)

What do you smell? (i.e. My best friends perfumes/cologne because they hugged me before I came onstage)

What do you feel? (i.e. Nerves, anxiety, excitement, the stage vibrating from the audience slapping)


Everyone knows dancing releases endorphins and what better time to have your own private dance party! So put on our favourite tunes, blast on loud and forget everything with the ‘Funky Chicken’ If you don’t have your own Party Playlist you can always use ours (We’re nice like that!) ENJOY!

7) Inspire and Be Inspired

When they say you learn from the best, there is something to it. The best way to learn is from other people, especially from those we admire. The good, the bad, the ugly, sometimes it’s equally important to learn what ‘not to do’ as well as what is ‘good to do’ the idea is progress not perfection.

On that note we have made a list of questions and topics to research:

  • How did they get to where they are?

  • What is their morning/evening routine?

  • What is their work ethic like?

  • How many hours do they put into their craft a week?

  • What record label or management are they associated with? (manifesting and visualisation)

Questions to Ask yourself afterward:

  • What are the best takeaways?

  • How much of these do you already do?

  • How much can you incorporate into your day to day routine?

  • Why do you want to follow these principles? (List 5 reasons)

  • Three ways you can motivate yourself to do these things?

8) Prep it Up!

What you put into your body effects your energy levels, mental health and creativity. You want to give yourself optimum results so that you’re able to do what you love without burning out. Meal prep is a great way to save money and time. It can also help with weight loss and improve your health. Here are some tips on how to meal prep properly:

  • Plan your meals ahead of time by checking out various recipes online or with friends.

  • Make sure you have all the necessary ingredients for the recipes you want to try out.

  • Cook large batches of food at once, then divide it into portions for the week.


One of the best feelings in the world is getting into a hot bath, with calming music and letting the bubbles melt away the day. To de-stress and relax the muscles as well as open up the nasal passages add these optimal ingredients to your next bath.

  • Lavender Essential Oil

  • Thyme (Relaxing agent)

  • Eucalyptus Essential Oil (Clear the airways)

  • Epsom Salts

10) We Live For a Good Movie

There is nothing like unwinding at the end of the day with a great movie. You can find my Movie Recommendations List below. Nostalgia is a powerful tool taking you back to your childhood, creating a playful energy that allows you to chill out and escape from the long term adulting you find yourself crushing every single day. Grab some popcorn, snuggle with a blanket, get that remote control and press PLAY.

  • The Land Before Time

  • The Lion King

  • Friends

  • Harry Potter

  • Mean Girls

  • KickAss

  • Iron Man

  • Jumanji (Robin Williams edition)

BONUS TIP: QUEEN You Need Those 8 Hours

Don’t forget your beauty sleep! Making sure you rest is crucial to your success, that brain battery needs time to recharge! Here are apps you can download that will help you cultivate a great Before Bed Routine.

  • Calm

  • Headspace

  • Mind Valley


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